Hunger has no boundaries...

In Here With You, the newest book in my Willow Bay series, there is an…incident involving some seagulls who decide to drop in for breakfast on some guests of The Kessler, with less-than-great results.

 Miles, the temporary manager of The Kessler Resort, learns an important lesson about managing a seaside resort – seagulls will claim any and all food near the water as their own.

 If you were curious about my inspiration, I learned this lesson the hard way and wrote this scene from experience. On a ferry to Alcatraz once, a seagull once thought a finger I was holding in the air looked like a French fry and decided to drop in for a bite.

 This really happened.

 The good news is that I wasn’t left seriously injured, like some people who have found themselves the target of a seagull flock. Just check Google and you will find a host of scary stories!

 While they seem funny and cute, get in between a seagull and food at your own peril.

 Have you ever been the victim of a seagull attack? I would love to hear your story, so I know I’m not alone!

 And in case you think seagulls only want salty snacks, you can see in this video that seagulls also have a sweet tooth.

 Of course, Here With You isn’t all seagull attacks – there is also a sweet second-chance romance in there that can’t be missed. Order your copy now!

Kelly Collins